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Blender 2.8 How to use Transparent Textures

There are several ways to use transparent textures with Blender. Below I'll describe several of these methods.

Method 1

I think this is the most straight forward solution to use transparent textures with Blender which works great with the Eevee render engine.

  • Make sure that you're using the Eevee render engine.
  • Create a new material with the nodes as shown below.
  • Open the Materials panel > open the Settings group.
  • Now change the Blend Mode to Alpha Blend

Material Nodes:

Material Settings:

Method 2

Follow this node setup when you want to use an image with transparency as a "sticker".

  • Create a Texture Image node.
  • Connect the Texture Image node to a Mix Shader node.
  • Connect the alpha of the Texture Image to the factor of the Mix Shader.
  • Connect the color of the Texture Image to the second color input of the Mix Shader.
  • Set the color value for the transparent parts on the Mix Shader.
  • Connect the color output of the Mix Shader to the Principled BSDF.

The node setup will look something like this:

Which gives a result like: